Ledger® Live*Download

Ledger® Live: Download the secure crypto wallet to manage your Ledger hardware wallets. Easily track portfolios, perform transactions, and access a wide range of digital assets safely.

For Mobile (iOS and Android)

  1. Visit the App Store or Google Play Store:

    • For iOS devices, go to the Apple App Store.

    • For Android devices, go to the Google Play Store.

  2. Download the App:

    • Search for "Ledger Live" if the links do not direct you correctly.

    • Tap the download/install button.

  3. Install and Set Up:

    • Open the app once the download is complete.

    • Follow the setup instructions to connect your Ledger hardware wallet and configure your account.

Additional Tips

  • Ensure You Download from Official Sources: Always download Ledger Live from the official Ledger website or official app stores to avoid malicious software.

  • Keep Software Updated: Regularly check for updates to ensure you have the latest security features and improvements.

Last updated